Ratheim Pfingstturnier 2017
Preis des Pferdesportverbandes Rheinland e.V.
Judges |
Achim K„mmerling Richard Koster A.: Dr. Nils-Christian Hakert |
Faults | Time |
Reit- und Fahrverein Hexbachtal S
Faults | Time |
Team total:
0.00 / 134.63
RV-Lippe-Bruch-Gahlen S
Faults | Time |
Team total:
0.00 / 135.80
RV Jan v. Werth, Jülich S1
Faults | Time |
Team total:
4.00 / 123.54
RFV Niermannshof e.V. S
Faults | Time |
Team total:
4.00 / 124.97
RV Enzen-Euskirchen S
Faults | Time |
= 128.00 EUR
Other, non-placed competitors
Team total:
7.25 / 148.84
RV Jan v. Werth, Jülich S2
Faults | Time |
Team total:
8.00 / 121.76
RuFV Ratheim S
Faults | Time |
Team total:
8.00 / 123.98
Reitclub Steinberg S
Faults | Time |
Team total:
12.00 / 136.10
RuFV Eicherscheid S
Faults | Time |
Team total:
22.00 / 159.71
RuFV Porz S
Faults | Time |
Team total:
4.00 / 78.22
PSV Klitzenhof S
Faults | Time |
Team total:
8.00 / 41.99
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