Ahlen 2017
Preis der Bußmanns Apotheken
Judges |
Hans-Ullrich Mller Bodo Maiwurm |
Wertnote |
ZRFV Kamen e.V.
Wertnote |
Team total:
0.00 / 21.60
PSV Wessenhorst e.V.
Wertnote |
Team total:
0.00 / 21.50
RFV St. Hubertus Ascheberg
Wertnote |
Team total:
0.00 / 21.40
RV Vorhelm Schäringer Feld e.V.
Wertnote |
Other, non-placed competitors
Team total:
0.00 / 21.40
RFV v.Nagel Herbern
Wertnote |
Team total:
0.00 / 21.10
RV Ahlen e.V.
Wertnote |
Team total:
0.00 / 20.90
RZFV Ennigerloh Neubeckum
Wertnote |
Team total:
0.00 / 20.90
RFV Vornholz e.V.
Wertnote |
Team total:
0.00 / 19.60
Wertnote |
Team total:
0.00 / 16.90
RFV von Nagel Herbern
Wertnote |
Team total:
0.00 / 15.00
RV Dortmund-Nordost
Wertnote |
Team total:
0.00 / 14.70
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